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Belgian tax and accounting news... in less than 400 characters!

Here are the current topics in Belgian taxation and accounting that we follow on a daily basis.


Personal tax 2024 (inc. 2023) – deadlines

  • 14 May 2024

via paper: by June 30, 2024. via MyMinfin: General principle: you have until July 15, 2024. With specific income types (e.g., self-employed): you have until October 16, 2024


Tax prepayments 2024

  • 6 April 2024

The penalty for insufficient advance tax payments increases to 9% for businesses (both individuals and companies). Make sure to pay your installments on time.


Interest rate on current account

  • 4 March 2024

If you owe money to your company, it means you have a debit current account (“compte courant débiteur”). The applicable interest rate for the year 2023 is 5.43%, whereas it was 7.14% in 2022


Electronic invoice

  • 30 December 2023

The Minister of Finance has submitted to the council of ministers, in second reading, a preliminary project on electronic invoicing. We are not talking here about a simple digital document in PDF, for example, but rather a structured electronic file (PEPPOL bis format), in other words, computer code, which can also be read as a PDF, but especially integrated directly into software for processing. It’s for 2026! Mandatory between taxable persons.


Last tax prepayment

  • 29 November 2023

If your company finalizes its accounts on 31/12, make sure to make the final prepayment of the year before 20/12 to avoid a tax surcharge.

For businesses in their first three fiscal years, no surcharge is applicable.

These rules also apply to self-employed individuals.


Foreign business trip allowances

  • 27 September 2023

We would like to remind you that if you have traveled abroad for professional reasons, you are entitled to a flat-rate allowance depending on the destination country (France €100, Italy €85, etc.). We can assist you in setting this up. We recommend keeping a record of your travels in a diary or calendar.


VAT return deadlines

  • 26 September 2023

In 2024, the deadlines for quarterly VAT declarations will be set on the 25th day following the end of the quarter. Payment deadlines also follow the same schedule

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